Sunday, January 20, 2013

Workshop on optimism January 19, in NorthEast, MD

Thank you to all the participants, we had a great workshop yesterday and we appreciated you sharing!

 "... I realized that I am a really optimistic person... " (P.)

 "... I almost canceled this morning but I am glad I didn't! The Optimism Wheel made me realize how one area of my life is affecting others! I need and I want to get out of my hole. ..." (H.)

Drawing activity 
 "Loved the drawing activity and the sharing!"
"... I had a great time and I am just having a wonderful day..." (A.)

Our nice group

"... Great job ladies, thank you!"

"I really did not know what to expect but  I am glad I came. "


  1. Bravo ma belle !!! J'adore !!! :-)

  2. Super tout cet enthousiasme. Heureusement qu'il y a les photos car je ne comprends pas l'Anglais (enfin pour le moment). Je t'embrasse.
